Assign new design property to member staad pro

In STAAD Pro, you can assign new design properties to a member by following these steps:

  1. Open your STAAD Pro model and select the member you want to modify.
  2. Right-click on the member and select "Properties" from the context menu.
  3. In the "Member Properties" dialog box, click on the "Design" tab.
  4. In the "Design" tab, you can assign new design properties to the member by clicking on the "Edit" button next to the property you want to modify.
  5. In the "Edit Property" dialog box, enter the new value for the property and click "OK".
  6. Click "OK" again to close the "Member Properties" dialog box.

Alternatively, you can also assign new design properties to a member by using the "Design" command in the STAAD Pro toolbar. To do this:

  1. Select the member you want to modify.
  2. Click on the "Design" command in the STAAD Pro toolbar.
  3. In the "Design" dialog box, select the property you want to modify from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter the new value for the property and click "OK".

Some common design properties that you can assign to a member in STAAD Pro include:

Note that the available design properties may vary depending on the type of member and the analysis type you are performing.