Assembling 23 foreign based players against sierra leone a waste of funds says omokaro

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by Omokaro, a sports personality, regarding the Sierra Leone national team's upcoming match. Here's a breakdown of the statement:

Omokaro believes that assembling a team of 23 foreign-based players to face Sierra Leone is a waste of funds. He likely thinks that the cost of bringing in these players, including their salaries, travel, and accommodation expenses, outweighs the potential benefits of winning the match.

It's possible that Omokaro is advocating for a more cost-effective approach, such as selecting players from the domestic league or relying on the team's core players who are already familiar with each other's playing styles. By doing so, the team might be able to achieve similar results without incurring the significant expenses associated with importing foreign-based players.

What are your thoughts on Omokaro's statement? Do you agree or disagree with his assessment?