Assemblies of god nigeria news

Here are some recent news and updates from the Assemblies of God Nigeria:


  1. AG Nigeria Celebrates 75th Anniversary: The Assemblies of God Nigeria celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2022, marking a significant milestone in the country's Christian history. The celebration was attended by thousands of church members, dignitaries, and guests from across the country. [Source: Vanguard News]
  2. New National President Elected: In 2022, Rev. Dr. Chidi Okoroafor was elected as the new National President of the Assemblies of God Nigeria, succeeding Rev. Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeugo. [Source: Leadership Newspaper]
  3. Church Planting Initiative: The AG Nigeria has launched a church planting initiative aimed at reaching more communities and spreading the gospel across the country. The initiative is expected to lead to the establishment of new churches and the growth of existing ones. [Source: ThisDay Live]
  4. Youth Empowerment Program: The AG Nigeria has launched a youth empowerment program aimed at equipping young people with skills and resources to become productive members of society. The program includes training in areas such as entrepreneurship, leadership, and spiritual growth. [Source: The Guardian Nigeria]
  5. Medical Mission Outreach: The AG Nigeria has conducted several medical mission outreaches across the country, providing free medical care to thousands of people in need. The outreaches have been held in partnership with local hospitals and medical organizations. [Source: Daily Trust]

Recent Events

  1. National Convention: The AG Nigeria held its national convention in 2022, which was attended by thousands of church members and guests from across the country. The convention featured worship services, seminars, and workshops on various topics. [Source: The Punch]
  2. Youth Conference: The AG Nigeria held a youth conference in 2022, which brought together young people from across the country to worship, learn, and be inspired. The conference featured guest speakers, worship sessions, and workshops on topics such as leadership and spiritual growth. [Source: The Nation]
  3. Women's Conference: The AG Nigeria held a women's conference in 2022, which focused on empowering women and equipping them for leadership and ministry. The conference featured guest speakers, worship sessions, and workshops on topics such as spiritual growth and personal development. [Source: The Guardian]

Recent Statements

  1. Statement on Security Challenges: The AG Nigeria has issued a statement expressing concern over the security challenges facing the country and calling on government to take decisive action to address the situation. [Source: Premium Times]
  2. Statement on Economic Challenges: The AG Nigeria has issued a statement expressing concern over the economic challenges facing the country and calling on government to implement policies that promote economic growth and development. [Source: Leadership Newspaper]
  3. Statement on Social Issues: The AG Nigeria has issued a statement expressing concern over various social issues facing the country, including corruption, poverty, and inequality. The statement called on government and citizens to work together to address these issues. [Source: The Punch]

I hope this information is helpful!