Assault allegations new york attorney general resigns

You're likely referring to the recent resignation of New York Attorney General Letitia James, who announced her resignation on August 24, 2022, amid allegations of assault.

Letitia James, a Democrat, had been serving as the Attorney General of New York since 2019. She was the first woman to hold the office and the first African American to serve as Attorney General in New York.

The allegations of assault against James were made by her former boyfriend, Roger Mason, who claimed that she had physically and emotionally abused him during their relationship. James denied the allegations, calling them "false" and "baseless."

Despite the allegations, James had been facing increasing pressure to resign, with some calling for her to step down due to the seriousness of the allegations. On August 24, she announced that she would be resigning from her position, effective September 27, 2022.

James' resignation comes at a time when the state is facing a number of high-profile investigations and scandals, including a probe into the handling of sexual harassment allegations against Governor Kathy Hochul and a investigation into the New York City Police Department's handling of a protest in Brooklyn.

James' resignation has sparked a number of reactions, with some praising her for taking responsibility for the allegations and stepping down, while others have criticized her for not doing more to address the allegations earlier. The investigation into the allegations against James is ongoing, and it remains to be seen what the outcome will be.