Asisst king alexander arnold says clean sheets are more important to liverpools success

Here's a possible response from King Alexander Arnold:

"Ah, mate, you're absolutely right! Clean sheets are the foundation of our success at Liverpool. I mean, think about it, when we're not conceding goals, we're giving ourselves a much better chance of winning games. And when we do win, it's not just about the three points, it's about the confidence boost it gives us as a team.

"I remember last season, we had that incredible run of clean sheets, and it was like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders. We were able to focus on scoring goals and creating chances, rather than worrying about conceding. And look what happened - we ended up winning the Champions League!

"And it's not just about the individual players, it's about the team as a whole. When we're solid at the back, it allows us to be more aggressive and take risks going forward. We can push up the pitch, create more chances, and ultimately score more goals.

"Now, I know some people might say, 'But Alex, what about the attacking flair? What about the goals we're scoring?' And don't get me wrong, those are important too. But if we're not keeping clean sheets, all that attacking flair is for nothing. We're just giving the opposition a chance to get back into the game.

"So, yeah, clean sheets are crucial for our success. And I think it's something we can all take pride in. We're not just a team that scores goals, we're a team that defends well too. And that's what makes us a top team."