Ascon oil company ltd quarterly news

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that Ascon Oil Company Ltd is a private company and its quarterly news is not publicly available. Ascon Oil Company Ltd is a Nigerian-based oil and gas company that operates in the downstream sector, and as such, its financial and operational information is not publicly disclosed.

If you're looking for information on Ascon Oil Company Ltd, I can suggest some alternative sources:

  1. Company website: You can visit Ascon Oil Company Ltd's official website to see if they have any publicly available information on their quarterly performance or news.
  2. Industry reports: You can search for industry reports or research papers on Ascon Oil Company Ltd from reputable sources such as Bloomberg, Reuters, or industry associations.
  3. Financial databases: You can access financial databases such as Bloomberg Terminal, Thomson Reuters, or FactSet to see if they have any information on Ascon Oil Company Ltd's financial performance.
  4. News articles: You can search online news articles or databases such as Google News, Yahoo Finance, or Dow Jones Factiva to see if there are any news articles or press releases from Ascon Oil Company Ltd.

Please note that the availability and accuracy of information on Ascon Oil Company Ltd may vary depending on the source.