Asa conference 2019 new orleans

The ASA (American Sociological Association) Annual Meeting 2019 was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, from August 10-13, 2019. Here are some highlights from the conference:

Theme: "The Future of Sociology: Understanding and Addressing Inequality"

Keynote Speakers:

  1. Dr. Angela Davis, Professor Emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and renowned activist and scholar on issues of race, gender, and social justice.
  2. Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Assistant Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, and author of "From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation."
  3. Dr. Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Professor of Geography and Director of the Center for Place, Culture, and Politics at the City University of New York, and expert on issues of racism, inequality, and social justice.

Papers and Sessions:

The conference featured over 1,500 papers and sessions on a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Inequality and Social Justice
  2. Race and Ethnicity
  3. Gender and Sexuality
  4. Class and Economic Inequality
  5. Education and Youth
  6. Health and Medicine
  7. Environment and Sustainability
  8. Technology and Society
  9. Globalization and International Relations

Awards and Honors:

The ASA presented several awards and honors to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of sociology, including:

  1. The ASA's highest honor, the Distinguished Career Award, was presented to Dr. Patricia Hill Collins, Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland.
  2. The ASA's Early Career Award was presented to Dr. Zephyr Frank, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Stanford University.
  3. The ASA's Public Understanding of Sociology Award was presented to Dr. Michael Kimmel, Professor of Sociology at Stony Brook University.

Exhibits and Events:

The conference featured several exhibits and events, including:

  1. The ASA's annual book exhibit, featuring new publications from sociology presses and publishers.
  2. A career fair, where students and early-career sociologists could connect with employers and learn about job opportunities.
  3. A series of workshops and training sessions on topics such as grant writing, publishing, and teaching.
  4. A reception honoring the ASA's 100th anniversary, featuring a keynote address by Dr. Aldon Morris, Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University.

Overall, the ASA Annual Meeting 2019 in New Orleans was a successful event that brought together sociologists from around the world to share research, discuss issues, and celebrate the field of sociology.