As a new born baby desire

What a sweet question!

As a newborn baby, my desires might be quite simple and instinctual. Here are a few things I might desire:

  1. Warmth and comfort: I'd love to be held close to my mother's warm body, feeling her gentle touch and soothing heartbeat.
  2. Nourishment: I'd crave the taste and feel of my mother's milk, and the satisfaction of a full belly.
  3. Safety and security: I'd want to feel protected and safe in my new world, with my caregivers nearby to ensure my needs are met.
  4. Sensory exploration: I'd be fascinated by the sights, sounds, and smells around me, and I'd want to explore and discover the world through my senses.
  5. Connection and bonding: I'd desire to form a strong bond with my caregivers, especially my mother, and feel a sense of connection and love.
  6. Sleep and rest: After all that hard work of being born, I'd want to catch up on some sleep and recharge for the next day's adventures!
  7. Cuddles and snuggles: Who doesn't love a good cuddle? I'd adore being held, rocked, and snuggled by my loved ones.
  8. Music and white noise: The soothing sounds of my mother's voice, lullabies, or white noise would be calming and comforting to me.
  9. Fresh air and sunlight: I'd enjoy feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin and taking in the fresh air, even if it's just a peek outside.
  10. Playtime and stimulation: As I grow and develop, I'd want to engage in play and explore my surroundings, learning and growing with each new experience.

These are just a few things I, as a newborn baby, might desire. Of course, every baby is unique, and their desires might vary.