Articles on online sexualharassment as a new trend

Here are some recent articles on online sexual harassment as a new trend:

  1. "The Rise of Online Sexual Harassment: A Growing Concern for Women" by The New York Times (2020)

This article discusses the increasing prevalence of online sexual harassment, particularly against women, and the ways in which it can have a profound impact on their lives.

  1. "Online Harassment is a Growing Problem for Women, and it's Not Just About Trolling" by The Guardian (2020)

This article highlights the ways in which online harassment can be a form of sexual harassment, and the ways in which it can be used to silence and intimidate women.

  1. "The Epidemic of Online Sexual Harassment" by The Atlantic (2020)

This article explores the ways in which online sexual harassment has become a widespread problem, and the ways in which it can be addressed.

  1. "Why Online Harassment is a Form of Sexual Violence" by The Cut (2020)

This article argues that online harassment is a form of sexual violence, and that it can have serious consequences for the victims.

  1. "The Rise of 'Revenge Porn' and Online Sexual Harassment" by The Daily Beast (2020)

This article discusses the growing trend of "revenge porn" and online sexual harassment, and the ways in which it can be used to harm and intimidate individuals.

  1. "Online Harassment is a Public Health Crisis" by The Hill (2020)

This article argues that online harassment is a public health crisis, and that it requires a comprehensive response from governments, tech companies, and individuals.

  1. "The Impact of Online Harassment on Mental Health" by Psychology Today (2020)

This article discusses the ways in which online harassment can have a negative impact on mental health, and the ways in which it can be addressed.

  1. "Online Harassment is a Form of Domestic Violence" by The Conversation (2020)

This article argues that online harassment is a form of domestic violence, and that it requires a similar response from governments and society.

  1. "The Rise of 'Slut-Shaming' and Online Sexual Harassment" by The Independent (2020)

This article discusses the growing trend of "slut-shaming" and online sexual harassment, and the ways in which it can be used to shame and intimidate individuals.

  1. "Online Harassment is a Form of Sexual Assault" by The Washington Post (2020)

This article argues that online harassment is a form of sexual assault, and that it requires a similar response from governments and society.

These articles provide a range of perspectives on the issue of online sexual harassment, and highlight the ways in which it is a growing concern for individuals and society as a whole.