Articles on bp oil spill in new orleans

Here are some articles on the BP oil spill in New Orleans:

The New York Times

  1. "Oil Spill in the Gulf, a Crisis for New Orleans" (May 2010) - An article on the impact of the oil spill on the city of New Orleans and its residents.
  2. "New Orleans Struggles to Cope with Oil Spill" (June 2010) - A report on the city's efforts to respond to the spill and its effects on the local economy.
  3. "A Year After the Spill, New Orleans Still Feels the Pain" (April 2011) - An article on the ongoing effects of the spill on the city and its residents one year after the disaster.

The Times-Picayune

  1. "Oil spill reaches New Orleans, threatens city's waterways" (May 2010) - A report on the oil spill's arrival in New Orleans and its potential impact on the city's waterways.
  2. "New Orleans struggles to contain oil spill's impact" (June 2010) - An article on the city's efforts to respond to the spill and its effects on local businesses and residents.
  3. "BP oil spill's legacy: A city still recovering" (April 2012) - A report on the ongoing effects of the spill on New Orleans and its residents two years after the disaster.

The Guardian

  1. "New Orleans struggles to cope with BP oil spill" (June 2010) - An article on the city's response to the spill and its effects on local residents and businesses.
  2. "BP oil spill: New Orleans residents still waiting for justice" (April 2012) - A report on the ongoing legal battles and struggles for justice faced by New Orleans residents affected by the spill.
  3. "Five years on, BP oil spill's impact still felt in New Orleans" (April 2015) - An article on the ongoing effects of the spill on the city and its residents five years after the disaster.

Other sources

  1. "The BP Oil Spill: A Disaster for New Orleans" (PBS NewsHour, May 2010) - A report on the impact of the oil spill on New Orleans and its residents.
  2. "New Orleans and the BP Oil Spill" (The Nation, June 2010) - An article on the city's response to the spill and its effects on local residents and businesses.
  3. "The BP Oil Spill's Lasting Impact on New Orleans" (The Atlantic, April 2012) - A report on the ongoing effects of the spill on the city and its residents.

These articles provide a range of perspectives and insights into the BP oil spill's impact on New Orleans and its residents.