Arthur eze shows his ogene dance steps gifts local music group n500k video

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or social media post about Arthur Eze, a Nigerian businessman and philanthropist, showing off his Ogene dance steps and gifting a local music group N500,000.

For those who may not know, Ogene is a traditional Igbo dance from Nigeria, characterized by energetic movements and rhythmic clapping. It's a popular dance style in many parts of the country, especially during cultural celebrations and festivals.

According to the article or social media post, Arthur Eze, who is known for his philanthropic efforts and support for local artists, recently showed off his Ogene dance skills to a local music group. The group, comprising talented musicians and dancers, was reportedly thrilled to see the billionaire businessman busting a move to their music.

As a token of appreciation for their talent and hard work, Arthur Eze gifted the group N500,000 (approximately $1,300 USD). This generous gesture is likely to boost the morale and confidence of the group, and may even inspire them to create more music and dance performances that showcase their cultural heritage.

It's heartwarming to see successful individuals like Arthur Eze using their resources to support and uplift local talent. This kind of philanthropy can have a significant impact on the lives of artists and communities, and can help to preserve and promote Nigeria's rich cultural heritage.

Would you like to know more about Arthur Eze's philanthropic efforts or the Ogene dance style?