Arteta reveals big damage to arsenals financial muscle

Mikel Arteta, the manager of Arsenal Football Club, has revealed that the team has suffered significant damage to its financial muscle due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent impact on the club's revenue.

In an interview with the BBC, Arteta stated that the pandemic has had a devastating effect on the club's finances, with revenue from matchday income, sponsorships, and merchandise sales all taking a hit. He also mentioned that the club's financial situation is not unique to Arsenal, as many other clubs in the Premier League and around the world are facing similar challenges.

Arteta emphasized that the club is working hard to mitigate the financial impact of the pandemic, but it will take time to recover. He also expressed his gratitude to the club's fans for their continued support during this difficult period.

Here are some key quotes from Arteta's interview:

It's worth noting that Arsenal has been one of the most successful and profitable clubs in the Premier League in recent years, with a strong brand and a large global following. However, the pandemic has presented a significant challenge to the club's financial stability, and it will be interesting to see how they adapt and recover in the coming years.