Arteta its my job to lift arsenal players after painful defeat

A great quote from Mikel Arteta!

In an interview with the media, Arteta said:

"It's my job to lift them, to make sure they're okay, to make sure they're not too down. Because we're a team, we're a family, and we have to stick together. We have to support each other, especially in moments like this."

He's right, as a manager, it's his responsibility to help his players bounce back from a tough defeat. After all, football is a high-pressure sport, and players can get affected by losses, especially if they're not used to it.

Arteta's words also highlight the importance of team dynamics and camaraderie. When players feel supported and lifted by their manager, they're more likely to respond positively and come back stronger in the next game.

It's great to see Arteta taking a proactive approach to managing his players' emotions and helping them stay motivated, even in the face of adversity.