Arteta families of arsenal players have coronavirus concerns

According to a recent report, Mikel Arteta, the manager of Arsenal Football Club, has revealed that several families of his players have expressed concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a press conference, Arteta stated that the concerns are not just limited to the players themselves, but also extend to their families, who are worried about the potential risks associated with the virus.

Arteta emphasized the importance of taking precautions to minimize the risk of transmission, both on and off the pitch. He also praised the players for their professionalism and understanding in adhering to the club's COVID-19 protocols.

It's worth noting that the Premier League has implemented various measures to reduce the risk of transmission, including social distancing, mask-wearing, and regular testing of players and staff.

Here's a quote from Arteta's press conference:

"We've had some families of players who have expressed concerns, not just the players themselves, but the families as well. We've had to have conversations with them, and we've had to make sure that we're doing everything we can to minimize the risk."

It's great to see that Arteta is taking the concerns of his players and their families seriously and is working to ensure their safety and well-being during this challenging time.

What do you think about the situation? Should the Premier League do more to support the families of players and staff?