Arteta doubted arsenals most important player aubameyang before he took over

That's an interesting piece of information!

Yes, it's true that Mikel Arteta had doubts about Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang's commitment and work rate before he took over as Arsenal manager in December 2019.

In his first press conference as Arsenal manager, Arteta mentioned that he had concerns about Aubameyang's attitude and work ethic, stating that he needed to "improve his habits" and "be more consistent" in his performances.

At the time, Aubameyang was 31 years old and had just signed a new three-year contract with the club. However, he had struggled with injuries and form in the previous season, and Arteta felt that he needed to address these issues to get the best out of the striker.

Arteta's comments were seen as a wake-up call for Aubameyang, and the striker responded by scoring 22 goals in 36 appearances under Arteta's management, helping Arsenal finish eighth in the Premier League.

Since then, Aubameyang has continued to be a key player for Arsenal, and Arteta has praised his professionalism and dedication, saying that he has become a "leader" and a "role model" for the team.

It's a great example of how a manager's tough love and guidance can help a player improve and reach their full potential!