Arsenal new away kit

Exciting news for Arsenal fans!

The new Arsenal away kit for the 2022-23 season has been officially unveiled. Here are the details:

Kit Design: The new away kit features a bold and striking design, with a predominantly white base color and a unique pattern of dark blue and red stripes running across the chest. The kit also features a subtle nod to the club's iconic red and white stripes on the sleeves.

Sponsorship: The kit is sponsored by Adidas, and the brand's logo is prominently displayed on the chest.

Player Feedback: Arsenal players have given their thumbs up to the new kit, with some even sharing their excitement on social media. "Love the new away kit, it's a real head-turner!" said one player.

Availability: The new away kit is now available to purchase from the official Arsenal store, as well as from various retailers and online marketplaces.

Price: The adult home kit is priced at £60, while the junior kit is priced at £45.

Special Edition: To celebrate the new kit, Adidas has also released a special edition away kit featuring a unique design and a limited-edition packaging. This kit is available exclusively at the official Arsenal store and is priced at £80.

What do you think of the new Arsenal away kit? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!