Arsenal logo new

The new Arsenal logo!

In 2021, Arsenal Football Club unveiled a new crest, which is a modernized version of the classic logo. Here's a brief overview:

Key changes:

  1. Simplified design: The new logo features a more streamlined and simplified design, with cleaner lines and a more contemporary look.
  2. Red and white colors: The logo retains the iconic red and white colors, with a slightly darker shade of red.
  3. Cannon and shield: The cannon and shield elements are still present, but they're now more stylized and integrated into the design.
  4. No more "The": The "The" prefix, which was part of the old logo, has been removed.

New logo design:

The new logo features a stylized cannon and shield, with the cannon's barrel forming the shape of the shield. The shield is divided into two parts, with the top half featuring the club's initials "AFC" in red, and the bottom half featuring the year "1886" in white, commemorating the club's founding year.


The new logo received mixed reactions from fans and critics, with some praising the modernization and others expressing nostalgia for the classic design. However, the club has stated that the new logo is designed to be more versatile and adaptable for various platforms, including digital media.

What do you think of the new Arsenal logo?