Arsenal injury news koscielny

Laurent Koscielny!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Laurent Koscielny is no longer with Arsenal FC. He left the club in August 2019 to join French club Bordeaux on a free transfer.

However, if you're looking for injury news on Koscielny's current situation, I can try to provide you with some information.

Koscielny has been dealing with a few injuries throughout his career, including a serious Achilles tendon injury that kept him out of action for several months in 2019. Since joining Bordeaux, he has been working his way back to full fitness and has made appearances for the club.

As of my knowledge cutoff, Koscielny has not reported any major injuries recently. However, it's always a good idea to check with reliable sources like the club's official website, social media, or reputable sports news outlets for the most up-to-date information on his current injury status.

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