Arsenal boss arteta claims small details causing pep problems

A interesting quote!

It seems that Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta has made some comments about Pep Guardiola, the manager of Manchester City, suggesting that small details are causing Pep problems.

Here's a possible summary of what Arteta might have said:

"Sometimes, it's the small details that can make all the difference. Pep is a master tactician, but even he can't escape the importance of these tiny details. Whether it's a misplaced pass, a misjudged decision, or a lack of intensity, these small mistakes can add up and cause problems for his team. As a manager, you have to be able to identify and correct these issues quickly, or they can become costly. I think Pep is a great manager, but even he has to adapt and evolve to stay ahead of the game."

Of course, this is just speculation, and we'd need to see the actual quote or interview to know for sure what Arteta meant. But it's an interesting perspective, and it highlights the importance of attention to detail in football management.