Arrest masquerade harassing people money obong calabar tells police

It seems like you're trying to report a situation where someone named Obong from Calabar is allegedly harassing people and demanding money, and you're asking the police to take action. Here's a possible way to phrase your report:

"Good evening, officers. I'm reporting a disturbing incident that occurred in Calabar. Obong, a person from Calabar, has been masquerading as someone with authority and has been harassing people, demanding money from them. This is unacceptable and I believe it's a serious offense. I urge you to take immediate action to arrest Obong and bring him to justice. I have some evidence and witnesses who can testify to his actions. Please help me put an end to this harassment and ensure the safety of the people in Calabar."

Please note that this is just a suggested report, and you should adjust it according to your specific situation and the police's requirements.