Around the web news meaning

"around the web" is a phrase often used in online news articles, blogs, and websites to indicate that the article or content is not exclusive to the website or publication, but rather is a collection of links or summaries of news stories from various other sources around the web.

In other words, "around the web" means that the article is a curated selection of news stories, opinions, or information from multiple online sources, rather than an original piece of content created by the website or publication itself.

This phrase is often used in the following ways:

  1. News aggregation: A website aggregates news stories from various sources and presents them in a single article or section, often with a brief summary or commentary.
  2. Link roundup: A website collects links to relevant news stories, articles, or blog posts from around the web and presents them in a single article or section.
  3. Curated content: A website curates a selection of news stories, articles, or blog posts from around the web and presents them in a single article or section, often with a brief summary or commentary.

The purpose of "around the web" content is to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of a particular topic or issue, while also giving credit to the original sources of the information. It's a way for websites and publications to provide value to their readers by aggregating and curating relevant content from around the web.