Army violated the law in appointment of new nysc dg

It appears you're referring to the recent controversy surrounding the appointment of a new Director-General for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria.

To provide some context, the Nigerian Army has been accused of violating the law in the appointment of the new NYSC DG. The controversy stems from the fact that the Army allegedly bypassed the normal recruitment process and appointed a serving Army officer, Major General Mohammed Fadah, as the new DG without following due process.

The NYSC Act, which established the organization, requires that the DG be a civilian with a background in youth development, education, or a related field. However, the Army's appointment of a serving officer has been criticized as a violation of this provision.

The controversy has sparked widespread debate and criticism, with many calling for the appointment to be rescinded and a more suitable candidate to be appointed. The Nigerian government has been urged to ensure that the appointment is done in accordance with the law and in the best interest of the country.

It's worth noting that the Nigerian Army has defended the appointment, stating that the new DG has the necessary qualifications and experience to lead the NYSC. However, the controversy continues to generate significant attention and debate in the country.

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