Army to adopt new strategies for boko haram war

The Nigerian Army has been fighting against Boko Haram, a terrorist group that has been responsible for numerous attacks and kidnappings in the country, for several years. In recent times, the army has been adopting new strategies to combat the group, including:

  1. Intelligence-led operations: The army has been focusing on gathering intelligence on Boko Haram's movements, tactics, and hideouts, and using this information to plan and execute targeted operations.
  2. Joint operations: The army has been working closely with other security agencies, such as the Nigerian Air Force, the Nigerian Navy, and the Department of State Services (DSS), to share intelligence and coordinate operations.
  3. Community engagement: The army has been engaging with local communities to gather information and build trust, which has helped to improve intelligence gathering and reduce civilian casualties.
  4. Use of technology: The army has been using technology, such as drones and surveillance systems, to gather intelligence and monitor Boko Haram's movements.
  5. Improved logistics and equipment: The army has been receiving new equipment and supplies, including armored vehicles, artillery, and small arms, to improve its operational capabilities.
  6. Training and capacity building: The army has been providing training and capacity building programs for its personnel, including counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency training.
  7. Adopting a more flexible and adaptive approach: The army has been adopting a more flexible and adaptive approach to combat, including using unconventional tactics and strategies to counter Boko Haram's tactics.
  8. Focusing on infrastructure development: The army has been focusing on developing infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and schools, to improve the lives of local communities and reduce the appeal of Boko Haram's ideology.
  9. Working with international partners: The army has been working with international partners, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, to share intelligence and coordinate operations.
  10. Improving human rights and civilian protection: The army has been working to improve its human rights record and protect civilians, including by establishing mechanisms for reporting and investigating human rights abuses.

Some specific examples of new strategies being adopted by the Nigerian Army include:

Overall, the Nigerian Army is adopting a more comprehensive and integrated approach to combating Boko Haram, including using intelligence-led operations, joint operations, community engagement, and technology, as well as improving logistics, training, and infrastructure development.