Army pursues boko haram insurgents botched maiduguri attack

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Army Pursues Boko Haram Insurgents After Botched Maiduguri Attack

The Nigerian Army has launched a pursuit operation to track down Boko Haram insurgents who attempted to attack Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, on Tuesday. The attack was repelled by the military, but the insurgents managed to escape into the surrounding forests.

According to reports, the insurgents, estimated to be around 50 in number, launched a surprise attack on Maiduguri in the early hours of Tuesday, targeting the city's outskirts. However, they were quickly repelled by the Nigerian Army, who responded swiftly to the attack.

Despite being repelled, the insurgents managed to escape into the surrounding forests, where they are believed to be regrouping and planning their next move. The Nigerian Army has since launched a pursuit operation to track down the fleeing insurgents and prevent them from carrying out further attacks.

The botched attack on Maiduguri is seen as a significant setback for Boko Haram, which has been struggling to regain momentum in recent months. The group has been largely pushed out of its strongholds in the Lake Chad region, and its attacks have become less frequent and less intense.

The Nigerian Army has been praised for its swift response to the attack, which prevented the insurgents from causing significant damage or casualties. The military has also been working to improve its intelligence gathering capabilities and to strengthen its presence in the region to prevent future attacks.

The pursuit operation is ongoing, and the Nigerian Army is working to track down the fleeing insurgents and bring them to justice. The military has also called on the local population to provide information on the whereabouts of the insurgents and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

Overall, the botched attack on Maiduguri is seen as a significant victory for the Nigerian Army, which has been working to contain the threat posed by Boko Haram. The pursuit operation is expected to continue in the coming days, with the aim of bringing the fleeing insurgents to justice and preventing further attacks.