Arms deal n25m given returned efcc witness

You're referring to the recent news about the arms deal scandal in Nigeria.

For those who may not be aware, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has been investigating a massive arms deal scandal involving the Nigerian government and some international companies. The scandal involves allegations of corruption, money laundering, and fraud, with estimates suggesting that over $2 billion was misappropriated from the deal.

Recently, a key witness in the case, a former Director of Finance and Administration at the Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA), has returned N25 million (approximately $67,000) to the EFCC, which was allegedly part of the proceeds from the arms deal.

The witness, who has been cooperating with the EFCC, claimed that the N25 million was part of the kickbacks he received from a contractor involved in the arms deal. He reportedly returned the money to the EFCC as part of his efforts to make amends and cooperate with the investigation.

This development is significant because it suggests that the EFCC is making progress in its investigation and that some individuals involved in the scandal are willing to cooperate and return stolen funds. The case is ongoing, and it's expected that more revelations will emerge as the investigation continues.

It's worth noting that the arms deal scandal has been a major source of controversy in Nigeria, with many calling for accountability and justice for those involved. The scandal has also raised concerns about corruption and the lack of transparency in government dealings.