Arkansas to new york

A cross-country road trip from Arkansas to New York! Here's a rough estimate of the distance, driving time, and some popular stops along the way:

Distance: approximately 1,470 miles (2,368 km) Driving time: around 22 hours, depending on traffic and the number of stops you make Route: I-40 E and I-80 E

Here's a suggested itinerary with some popular stops:

Day 1: Arkansas to Nashville, Tennessee (approx. 7 hours, 30 minutes)

Day 2: Nashville, Tennessee to Lexington, Kentucky (approx. 4 hours)

Day 3: Lexington, Kentucky to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (approx. 5 hours)

Day 4: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to New York City, New York (approx. 5 hours)

Some popular attractions along the way:

Remember to check road conditions, traffic updates, and weather forecasts before embarking on your trip. Additionally, consider booking accommodations in advance, especially during peak travel seasons. Safe travels!