Arkansas to new mexico

A road trip from Arkansas to New Mexico! That's a long haul, but with some great scenery and attractions along the way. Here's a suggested itinerary to help you plan your trip:

Day 1: Arkansas to Oklahoma (approx. 340 miles, 5 hours 30 minutes)

Day 2: Oklahoma to Amarillo, TX (approx. 260 miles, 4 hours)

Day 3: Amarillo to Albuquerque, NM (approx. 260 miles, 4 hours)

Day 4: Albuquerque to Santa Fe, NM (approx. 64 miles, 1 hour 15 minutes)

Day 5: Santa Fe to Roswell, NM (approx. 150 miles, 2 hours 30 minutes)

Day 6: Roswell to Arkansas (approx. 740 miles, 11 hours)

Of course, you can adjust this itinerary to fit your interests, time constraints, and preferences. Additionally, be sure to check road conditions, weather forecasts, and any travel advisories before embarking on your trip. Happy travels!