Arewa youth latest news

Arewa Youth! Here are some of the latest news and updates about the Arewa Youth:

Recent Developments:

  1. Arewa Youth Leader, Nastura Shariff, Arrested: The leader of the Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF), Nastura Shariff, was arrested by the Nigerian Police Force on February 22, 2023, over alleged incitement and hate speech.
  2. Arewa Youth Threaten to Boycott 2023 Elections: The AYCF has threatened to boycott the 2023 general elections if the Federal Government fails to address the issues of insecurity, poverty, and marginalization in the North.
  3. Arewa Youth Demand Justice for Zabarmari Massacre Victims: The AYCF has demanded justice for the victims of the Zabarmari massacre, which occurred in Borno State in November 2020, and has called for the prosecution of those responsible.
  4. Arewa Youth Condemn Banditry and Kidnapping: The AYCF has condemned the increasing cases of banditry and kidnapping in the North, and has called on the government to take decisive action to address the issue.
  5. Arewa Youth Seek Support for Northern Development: The AYCF has called on the Federal Government to support the development of the North, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

Recent Statements:

  1. Arewa Youth Leader, Nastura Shariff, Calls for Unity: In a statement, Nastura Shariff called for unity among the people of the North, saying that the region's development depends on it.
  2. Arewa Youth Condemn Hate Speech: The AYCF has condemned hate speech and called on the government to take action against those who engage in it.
  3. Arewa Youth Demand Better Representation: The AYCF has demanded better representation for the North in the Federal Government, particularly in the areas of appointments and allocation of resources.

Recent Interviews:

  1. Arewa Youth Leader, Nastura Shariff, Speaks on Insecurity: In an interview with a national newspaper, Nastura Shariff spoke on the issue of insecurity in the North, saying that it is a major challenge that needs to be addressed.
  2. Arewa Youth Leader, Nastura Shariff, Speaks on Northern Development: In another interview, Nastura Shariff spoke on the need for the Federal Government to support the development of the North, particularly in the areas of infrastructure and education.

These are some of the latest news and updates about the Arewa Youth. If you have any specific questions or topics you'd like to know more about, feel free to ask!