Aresanal new couch

You're in the market for a new couch! Exciting!

To help you find the perfect one, I'll need to know a bit more about your preferences. Please answer the following questions:

  1. What is your budget for the couch?
  2. What is the size of the room where the couch will go?
  3. How many people will be using the couch?
  4. Do you have a preferred style or design in mind (e.g. modern, traditional, minimalist, etc.)?
  5. Are there any specific features you're looking for (e.g. reclining, adjustable headrests, storage compartments, etc.)?
  6. Do you have a preferred material or fabric for the couch (e.g. leather, velvet, microfiber, etc.)?
  7. Are you open to considering a second-hand or refurbished couch, or do you want a brand new one?

Once I have this information, I can provide you with some personalized recommendations for your new couch!