Aregbesola new law on church marriage

You're referring to the recent development in Osun State, Nigeria!

Yes, Governor Aregbesola of Osun State recently signed a law that makes church marriages in the state invalid. The law, which was signed on May 24, 2016, states that only marriages conducted by the Osun State Government or the Registry of Marriages are recognized as valid marriages in the state.

The law, which is aimed at promoting the institution of marriage and protecting the rights of couples, prohibits churches and other religious organizations from conducting marriages. According to the law, only marriages conducted by the government or the Registry of Marriages are recognized as valid and can be used to prove the existence of a marriage.

The law has been met with mixed reactions from the public, with some people supporting the move as a way to promote the institution of marriage and protect the rights of couples, while others have criticized it as an infringement on the rights of religious organizations and individuals.

It's worth noting that this law only applies to Osun State, and other states in Nigeria may have different laws and regulations regarding marriage.