Are there new vacancies in ibom air

As of my knowledge cutoff, IBOM Air is a Nigerian airline that operates flights within Nigeria and to neighboring countries. They are a relatively new airline, established in 2019, and they have been expanding their operations and fleet.

Regarding new vacancies, I would recommend checking the official IBOM Air website or job portals like:

  1. IBOM Air's official website:
  2. Jobberman:
  3. Indeed:
  4. LinkedIn:

You can search for "IBOM Air vacancies" or "IBOM Air jobs" on these platforms to find the latest available positions. You can also set up job alerts to receive notifications when new vacancies are posted.

Some of the positions that IBOM Air has previously advertised include:

Please note that job availability and requirements may change frequently, so it's essential to check the official sources and job portals regularly for the latest information.

I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck in your job search!