Are people demonstrating over the new lekki toll

Yes, there have been protests and demonstrations in Nigeria over the new Lekki toll gate, which was reopened on February 13, 2021, after being closed for several years.

The Lekki toll gate is a major highway in Lagos, Nigeria's commercial capital, and the toll gate has been a contentious issue for many years. The toll gate was initially closed in 2019 due to protests and demonstrations by residents and commuters who were unhappy with the high toll fees and the perceived lack of transparency in the toll collection process.

The reopening of the toll gate has sparked renewed protests and demonstrations, with many Nigerians expressing their opposition to the toll gate and calling for its closure. The protests have been largely peaceful, but there have been reports of clashes between protesters and security forces, as well as allegations of human rights abuses.

The protests have been led by various groups, including the #OccupyLekkiTollGate movement, which has been using social media to mobilize support and organize protests. The movement has been calling for the toll gate to be closed and for the government to address the concerns of residents and commuters.

The Nigerian government has responded to the protests by saying that the toll gate is necessary to fund infrastructure development in the country, and that it will work to address the concerns of protesters. However, many Nigerians remain opposed to the toll gate and are calling for its closure.

Overall, the protests over the Lekki toll gate are a reflection of the ongoing challenges and frustrations faced by many Nigerians, including concerns about corruption, inequality, and the lack of transparency and accountability in government.