Are new users the same as unique users

In the context of user analytics, "new users" and "unique users" are related but distinct concepts.

New Users: A new user is a user who has made their first interaction with your application, website, or platform. This can be the first time they've visited your site, signed up for an account, or taken a specific action (e.g., made a purchase). New users are often referred to as "first-time users" or "initial users."

Unique Users: A unique user, on the other hand, is a user who has been counted only once, regardless of the number of times they interact with your application or platform. In other words, unique users are individuals who have been identified and tracked as a single entity, even if they have multiple sessions or interactions.

Here's an example to illustrate the difference:

In this example, John is both a new user (since he's made his first interaction) and a unique user (since he's been counted only once, despite multiple interactions).

To summarize:

In analytics, you might use both metrics to gain insights into user behavior and engagement. For instance, tracking new users can help you understand the effectiveness of your acquisition strategies, while tracking unique users can help you understand user retention and loyalty.