Are new look push up bras good

New Look is a popular high-street brand that offers a range of push-up bras at affordable prices. While opinions about bra quality can be subjective, here's a general overview of what customers and experts have to say about New Look push-up bras:


  1. Affordable: New Look push-up bras are generally priced between £5-£15, making them an accessible option for many women.
  2. Variety: New Look offers a range of push-up bras in different styles, sizes, and colors, catering to various tastes and preferences.
  3. Comfortable: Many customers have reported that New Look push-up bras are comfortable to wear, with some even saying they're one of the most comfortable bras they've ever worn.
  4. Good lift: New Look push-up bras are designed to provide a good lift and separation, which can be beneficial for women who want to enhance their cleavage.


  1. Quality: Some customers have reported that New Look push-up bras can be a bit flimsy or cheaply made, which can affect their durability and performance.
  2. Limited support: While New Look push-up bras can provide a good lift, they may not offer the same level of support and stability as more expensive or high-end bras.
  3. Not suitable for all cup sizes: New Look push-up bras are available in a range of cup sizes, but some customers have reported that they're not suitable for larger cup sizes (e.g., DD+).
  4. Not as long-lasting: Some customers have reported that New Look push-up bras don't last as long as they'd like, with some experiencing wear and tear after a few months of use.

Overall, New Look push-up bras can be a good option for women who are looking for an affordable, comfortable, and stylish bra that provides a good lift. However, it's essential to keep in mind that bra quality can vary, and some customers may not be satisfied with the performance or durability of these bras.

If you're considering purchasing a New Look push-up bra, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Check the reviews: Read reviews from other customers to get a sense of the bra's performance, comfort, and durability.
  2. Try before you buy: If possible, try on the bra before purchasing to ensure it fits comfortably and provides the desired lift.
  3. Consider your cup size: If you have a larger cup size, you may want to look for a bra that's specifically designed for your size range.
  4. Don't expect too much: While New Look push-up bras can be a good option, they may not offer the same level of support or durability as more expensive bras.