Architect jobs in new zealand expat

A great choice! New Zealand is a wonderful country to live and work in. Here are some architect jobs in New Zealand that may be suitable for expats:

Job Listings:

  1. Senior Architect at Warren and Mahoney (Auckland) - A leading architecture firm with a global reputation, seeking a senior architect with 8+ years of experience.
  2. Architect at Jasmax (Wellington) - A well-established architecture firm with a focus on sustainable design, looking for an architect with 3+ years of experience.
  3. Project Architect at Peddle Thorp Architects (Auckland) - A mid-sized architecture firm with a diverse portfolio, seeking a project architect with 2+ years of experience.
  4. Architectural Designer at RTA Studio (Christchurch) - A design-focused architecture firm, looking for an architectural designer with 1-3 years of experience.
  5. Urban Designer at Boffa Miskell (Wellington) - A leading urban design and landscape architecture firm, seeking an urban designer with 3+ years of experience.

Tips for Expats:

  1. Register with the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA): As an expat architect, you'll need to register with the NZIA to practice architecture in New Zealand.
  2. Check your qualifications: Ensure your qualifications are recognized by the NZIA and meet the requirements for registration.
  3. Network: Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with local architects to build relationships and learn about job opportunities.
  4. Update your skills: Familiarize yourself with New Zealand's building codes, regulations, and design standards to ensure a smooth transition.
  5. Consider a working holiday visa: If you're not yet ready to commit to a long-term visa, consider applying for a working holiday visa, which allows you to work in New Zealand for up to 12 months.

Additional Resources:

  1. New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA): The official website for architects in New Zealand, providing information on registration, professional development, and industry news.
  2. Architectural Jobs in New Zealand: A job board specifically for architecture jobs in New Zealand.
  3. Expat Guide to New Zealand: A comprehensive guide for expats moving to New Zealand, covering topics such as visas, housing, and employment.

Remember to research each job thoroughly and ensure you meet the required qualifications and experience. Good luck with your job search!