Archdiocese of new orleans seminarians

The Archdiocese of New Orleans has a rich history of forming priests and serving the Catholic community. Here are some facts about the seminarians in the Archdiocese of New Orleans:

Number of Seminarians: As of 2022, there are approximately 35 seminarians studying for the priesthood in the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

Seminaries: The Archdiocese of New Orleans has two seminaries:

  1. Notre Dame Seminary (NDS) in New Orleans: NDS is a Pontifical Seminary, which means it is recognized by the Holy See as a place of priestly formation. The seminary offers a four-year program of study and formation for men discerning a vocation to the priesthood.
  2. St. Joseph Seminary (SJS) in Covington: SJS is a minor seminary, which provides a two-year program of study and formation for men in their junior and senior years of college who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood.

Formation Program: The formation program for seminarians in the Archdiocese of New Orleans includes:

  1. Academic studies: Seminarians study theology, philosophy, and other subjects at Notre Dame Seminary or St. Joseph Seminary.
  2. Spiritual formation: Seminarians participate in daily prayer, Mass, and spiritual direction to deepen their relationship with God.
  3. Human formation: Seminarians engage in activities such as community service, retreats, and team-building exercises to develop their interpersonal skills and character.
  4. Pastoral formation: Seminarians gain practical experience in ministry through internships and assignments in parishes and other settings.

Support for Seminarians: The Archdiocese of New Orleans provides various forms of support for seminarians, including:

  1. Financial aid: The archdiocese offers scholarships and financial assistance to help seminarians cover the costs of their education and formation.
  2. Housing: Seminarians are provided with housing at Notre Dame Seminary or St. Joseph Seminary.
  3. Meals and transportation: Seminarians are provided with meals and transportation to and from classes, assignments, and other activities.

Prayer Support: The Archdiocese of New Orleans encourages the faithful to pray for the seminarians and their vocation. You can pray for the seminarians by:

  1. Including them in your daily prayers: Ask God to guide and protect the seminarians as they discern their vocation and prepare for priestly ministry.
  2. Offering Mass intentions: Offer Mass intentions for the seminarians and their vocation.
  3. Praying the Prayer for Vocations: Pray the Prayer for Vocations, which is available on the Archdiocese of New Orleans website.

I hope this information is helpful!