Arap bethke news

Arap Bethke is a Christian author and speaker, and his news is often related to his latest books, speaking engagements, and ministry updates. Here are some recent news and updates about Arap Bethke:

  1. New Book Release: Arap Bethke's latest book, "The God Who Is There: Finding Your Place in God's Story", was released in October 2022. The book explores the concept of God's presence in our lives and how we can experience His presence in our daily lives.
  2. Speaking Engagements: Arap Bethke has been speaking at various conferences and events around the world, including the Passion Conference, the National Worship Leader Conference, and the Christian Booksellers Association (CBA) Convention.
  3. Ministry Updates: Arap Bethke is the founder of the ministry "Arap Bethke Ministries", which focuses on helping people discover their purpose and identity in Christ. He has also been involved in various outreach programs and mission trips around the world.
  4. Social Media Updates: Arap Bethke is active on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, where he shares inspiring quotes, devotions, and updates about his ministry and speaking engagements.
  5. Interviews and Podcasts: Arap Bethke has been featured on various podcasts and interviews, including the "The Gospel Coalition" podcast, "The Christian Post" podcast, and "The 700 Club" TV program.

To stay up-to-date with Arap Bethke's latest news and updates, you can follow him on social media or visit his website at