Aramide jowo new video

You're looking for the latest video from Aramide, a talented Nigerian singer-songwriter!

Aramide is known for her soulful voice and eclectic blend of Afrobeats, R&B, and folk music. She has released several hit singles and albums over the years, and her music often explores themes of love, relationships, and social issues.

As for her new video, I'm happy to help you out! Aramide has been quite active on social media and has been dropping new content regularly. Here are a few of her latest videos:

  1. "Jowo" - This is one of her latest singles, and the music video was released in August 2022. The song is a beautiful blend of Afrobeats and R&B, with Aramide's soulful vocals taking center stage.
  2. "Baba Abule" - This is another recent single, released in June 2022. The song is a fun, upbeat track with a catchy chorus and a lively instrumental backing.
  3. "Love Me" - This is a romantic ballad that showcases Aramide's vocal range and emotional delivery. The music video was released in April 2022.

You can find these videos on Aramide's official YouTube channel, as well as on other music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and TikTok.

I hope you enjoy her music!