Arab news pakistan

Arab News is a Saudi-based English-language newspaper that covers news and events from around the world, including Pakistan. Here are some recent articles and news stories from Arab News related to Pakistan:

  1. Pakistan's economy in crisis: Arab News reported on the economic challenges facing Pakistan, including a severe currency crisis, high inflation, and a growing trade deficit. (March 2023)
  2. Imran Khan's ouster: Arab News covered the dramatic events surrounding the ouster of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, including his removal through a no-confidence vote and subsequent protests and violence. (April 2022)
  3. Pakistan's Taliban talks: Arab News reported on the ongoing peace talks between the Pakistani government and the Taliban, aimed at ending the insurgency in the country's northwestern regions. (February 2023)
  4. Pakistan's energy crisis: Arab News highlighted the ongoing energy crisis in Pakistan, including frequent power outages and shortages, and the government's efforts to address the issue. (January 2023)
  5. Pakistan's relations with Saudi Arabia: Arab News reported on the strong ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, including the two countries' shared Islamic values and economic cooperation. (December 2022)
  6. Pakistan's Kashmir dispute: Arab News covered the ongoing dispute between Pakistan and India over the Kashmir region, including the recent tensions and clashes along the Line of Control. (November 2022)
  7. Pakistan's COVID-19 situation: Arab News reported on the COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan, including the country's vaccination efforts and the impact of the virus on the economy and healthcare system. (October 2022)

These are just a few examples of the news and articles published by Arab News related to Pakistan. The newspaper provides in-depth coverage of news and events from around the world, including the Middle East, Asia, and beyond.