Aquaman 27 review batman news

You're looking for a review of Aquaman #27 and some Batman news!

Aquaman #27 Review

Aquaman #27, written by Kelly Sue DeConnick and illustrated by Robson Rocha, is the latest issue in the ongoing series. The story picks up where the previous issue left off, with Aquaman facing off against the villainous Black Manta.

The issue is a thrilling ride, with DeConnick's script expertly balancing action and character development. The dialogue is snappy and engaging, and the characters' interactions are believable and nuanced.

Rocha's artwork is, as always, stunning. His depiction of Aquaman's underwater world is breathtaking, and his action sequences are dynamic and intense.

One of the standout moments in the issue is the confrontation between Aquaman and Black Manta. The two characters have a long and complicated history, and their battle is both intense and emotional.

Overall, Aquaman #27 is a great issue that sets the stage for some exciting developments in the future. If you're a fan of the series, you won't want to miss it!

Batman News

In other news, DC Comics has announced that Batman will be getting a new series, titled "Batman: Urban Legends". The series will be written by Matthew Rosenberg and illustrated by various artists, and will feature a mix of new and established characters from the Batman universe.

The series will focus on the darker side of Gotham City, exploring the city's seedy underbelly and the characters that inhabit it. The first issue is set to debut in June, and promises to be a gritty and intense take on the Batman mythos.

Additionally, DC Comics has announced that the upcoming "Batman: The Long Halloween" series will be getting a new adaptation. The series, written by Jeph Loeb and illustrated by Tim Sale, is a classic Batman tale that explores the Dark Knight's early days as a crimefighter.

The new adaptation will be written by Loeb and illustrated by Sale, and will feature a mix of new and classic characters from the Batman universe. The series is set to debut in July, and promises to be a thrilling and nostalgic take on the Batman mythos.

That's all for now, folks!