Appointment of new chief imam of lagos

You're referring to the recent appointment of a new Chief Imam of Lagos State, Nigeria.

On October 15, 2021, the Lagos State Government announced the appointment of Sheikh Abdulrasheed Abiodun Gbadamosi as the new Chief Imam of Lagos State. He succeeded Sheikh Sulaimon Abou-Nolla, who had been in the position since 2017.

Here are some key facts about the new Chief Imam:

  1. Background: Sheikh Gbadamosi was born in 1964 in Lagos State. He hails from the Gbadamosi family, a prominent Islamic family in Lagos.
  2. Education: He holds a Bachelor's degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies from the University of Lagos and a Master's degree in Islamic Studies from the University of Ibadan.
  3. Career: Sheikh Gbadamosi has been a cleric for over three decades, serving as an Imam in various mosques in Lagos, including the popular Central Mosque in Lagos.
  4. Experience: He has also served as the Secretary-General of the Lagos State Council of Islamic Affairs and as a member of the National Council of Islamic Affairs.
  5. Appointment: Sheikh Gbadamosi was appointed by the Lagos State Government, following a thorough selection process that involved consultations with Islamic scholars and leaders in the state.

As the new Chief Imam of Lagos State, Sheikh Gbadamosi is expected to play a key role in promoting Islamic values, fostering unity among Muslims in the state, and providing spiritual guidance to the people of Lagos.

Please note that the appointment of a Chief Imam is a significant event in Islamic tradition, and the new Imam is expected to uphold the principles of Islamic scholarship, leadership, and service to the community.