Appointment letter of new trustee

Here is a sample appointment letter for a new trustee:

[Trustee's Name] [Trustee's Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Trustor's Name] [Trustor's Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Trustor's Name],

Re: Appointment of [Trustee's Name] as Trustee of [Trust Name]

We are pleased to inform you that [Trustee's Name] has been appointed as the new trustee of [Trust Name], effective [Date of Appointment]. This appointment is made in accordance with the terms of the [Trust Name] Trust Agreement, dated [Date of Trust Agreement].

As trustee, [Trustee's Name] will be responsible for managing and administering the trust assets, as well as carrying out the duties and responsibilities outlined in the trust agreement. [Trustee's Name] has agreed to serve as trustee and has provided the necessary documentation and information to demonstrate their suitability for this role.

The terms of the trust agreement and the powers and duties of the trustee are as follows:

[Trustee's Name] has agreed to serve as trustee for a term of [length of term] and has provided the necessary documentation and information to demonstrate their suitability for this role. [Trustee's Name] has also agreed to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the terms of the trust agreement.

Please note that [Trustee's Name] is not a professional trustee and does not have any experience in trust administration. However, [Trustee's Name] has agreed to seek guidance and advice from a qualified professional trustee or attorney as needed.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company/Organization]

cc: [Beneficiaries' Names and Addresses]

Note: This is just a sample and should be reviewed and customized to fit the specific needs and circumstances of the trust and the trustee. It is also recommended that the trust agreement and any other relevant documents be reviewed and updated as necessary to reflect the appointment of the new trustee.