Applying with a dependant to new zealand

A great decision to move to New Zealand! Applying with a dependent to New Zealand can be a bit more complex than applying as a single person, but don't worry, I'm here to guide you through the process.

Who is considered a dependent?

In New Zealand, a dependent is typically a child under the age of 24 who is not married, in a civil union, or in a de facto relationship. However, if your child is over 24 and still dependent on you due to a disability or illness, they may still be considered a dependent.

Types of dependent visas

There are two main types of dependent visas:

  1. Dependent Child Visa: This visa is for children under the age of 24 who are not married, in a civil union, or in a de facto relationship.
  2. Dependent Adult Child Visa: This visa is for children over 24 who are still dependent on you due to a disability or illness.

Eligibility criteria

To apply for a dependent visa, you and your dependent must meet certain eligibility criteria:

  1. You must be a resident or citizen of New Zealand: You must have a valid resident visa or be a New Zealand citizen.
  2. Your dependent must be a dependent child or adult child: Your dependent must meet the definition of a dependent child or adult child.
  3. You must be able to support your dependent: You must demonstrate that you have sufficient financial resources to support your dependent.
  4. Your dependent must meet health and character requirements: Your dependent must meet the health and character requirements for a visa.

Application process

The application process for a dependent visa is similar to the process for a resident visa. Here are the general steps:

  1. Check your eligibility: Determine if you and your dependent meet the eligibility criteria.
  2. Gather required documents: Collect the necessary documents, including proof of your relationship, your dependent's birth certificate, and proof of your financial resources.
  3. Submit your application: Submit your application online or through a paper application.
  4. Wait for a decision: Wait for the Immigration New Zealand to process your application and make a decision.
  5. Attend an interview: If required, attend an interview at a New Zealand embassy or consulate.

Additional tips

I hope this information helps you navigate the process of applying with a dependent to New Zealand. Good luck with your application!