Apply formula automatically as new entries are made

You're looking to automate the application of a formula as new entries are made in a spreadsheet!

There are a few ways to achieve this, depending on the type of formula and the spreadsheet software you're using. Here are some common methods:

Method 1: Using a formula with an array formula

In Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, you can use an array formula to apply a formula to a range of cells as new entries are made. To do this:

  1. Enter the formula in a cell, using the =ArrayFormula() function.
  2. Reference the range of cells you want to apply the formula to, using the A1:A100 syntax (e.g., =ArrayFormula(SUM(A1:A100))).
  3. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+Enter (Mac) to enter the array formula.

The formula will be applied to the entire range of cells as new entries are made.

Method 2: Using a script

In Google Sheets, you can use a script to automate the application of a formula as new entries are made. To do this:

  1. Open the script editor by clicking on "Tools" > "Script editor" in the menu.
  2. Create a new script by clicking on "Create" > "Script".
  3. Write a script that uses the onEdit trigger to apply the formula to the range of cells as new entries are made. For example:
    function onEdit(e) {
    var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
    var range = e.range;
    if (sheet.getName() == "YourSheetName" && range.getColumn() == 1) {
     var formula = "=SUM(A1:A100)";
     range.offset(0, 0, range.getNumRows(), 1).setFormula(formula);

    This script will apply the formula =SUM(A1:A100) to the range of cells in column A as new entries are made.

Method 3: Using a add-on

In Google Sheets, you can use an add-on like AutoCrat or FormulaToApply to automate the application of a formula as new entries are made. These add-ons provide a user-friendly interface for creating and managing formulas.

In Microsoft Excel, you can use an add-in like Excel Formula AutoApply to achieve similar results.