Applications now open for future news worldwide 2018

It seems like you're looking for applications for the Future News Worldwide 2018 program. Here's what I found:

Future News Worldwide 2018

Future News Worldwide is a prestigious journalism program organized by the British Council and the Washington Post. The program aims to develop the skills of young journalists from around the world and provide them with a platform to share their stories with a global audience.

Eligibility Criteria:

Application Process:

  1. Fill out the online application form, which includes providing your personal details, journalism experience, and a sample of your writing.
  2. Submit a 500-word article on a topic of your choice, demonstrating your journalistic skills and style.
  3. Provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher, mentor, or editor.


The application deadline is March 15, 2018.

Selection Process:

A panel of judges will review all applications and select 100 participants from around the world. The selection process will be based on the quality of the application, the article, and the letter of recommendation.

Program Details:

The program will take place in London, UK, from July 16-20, 2018. Participants will attend workshops, masterclasses, and networking events with experienced journalists and industry professionals. They will also have the opportunity to produce their own stories and articles, which will be published on the Washington Post website.

What to Expect:

If you're interested in applying, I recommend checking the British Council website for more information and to submit your application. Good luck!