Apple certification exams at new horizons

New Horizons is a popular training provider for various IT certifications, including Apple certifications. Here are some Apple certification exams that New Horizons offers:

  1. Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP): This exam tests your skills in troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining Mac computers, as well as providing technical support to customers.
  2. Apple Certified Technical Coordinator (ACTC): This exam assesses your knowledge of Apple's technical products and services, including Mac computers, iOS devices, and macOS.
  3. Apple Certified Associate (ACA): This exam is designed for individuals who want to demonstrate their basic knowledge of Apple's products and services, including Mac computers, iOS devices, and macOS.
  4. Apple Certified Integration Specialist (ACIS): This exam tests your skills in integrating Apple products and services with other technologies, such as Windows, Linux, and network infrastructure.
  5. Apple Certified System Administrator (ACSA): This exam assesses your knowledge of Apple's system administration tools and technologies, including macOS Server, Directory Services, and File Sharing.

New Horizons offers various training programs and courses to help you prepare for these Apple certification exams. These programs typically include:

  1. Instructor-led training: Live classes taught by experienced instructors who have hands-on experience with Apple products and services.
  2. Online training: Self-paced online courses that you can complete at your own pace.
  3. Virtual classroom training: Live online classes that you can attend from anywhere.
  4. Study guides and materials: Comprehensive study guides, textbooks, and online resources to help you prepare for the exams.

New Horizons also offers a range of certification packages that include training, exam vouchers, and other benefits. These packages can help you save time and money while preparing for your Apple certification exams.

To find out more about Apple certification exams at New Horizons, you can visit their website or contact a local training center near you.