Apple apologises for listening to siri talk sets new rules

I think there may be some misinformation here!

Apple has not apologized for listening to Siri talk. In fact, Apple has been transparent about how Siri and other virtual assistants work, including the fact that they use machine learning algorithms to improve their performance and accuracy.

However, Apple has made changes to its Siri recording practices in response to concerns about user privacy. In 2020, Apple announced that it would no longer store Siri audio recordings on its servers, and that it would instead delete the recordings after a short period of time.

Additionally, Apple has introduced new features to give users more control over their Siri recordings. For example, users can now opt out of having their Siri recordings used for improving Siri's performance, and they can also delete their Siri recordings at any time.

So, while Apple has made changes to its Siri recording practices, it has not apologized for listening to Siri talk, as this is a fundamental part of how virtual assistants like Siri work.