Append new elemnts from ajax jsfiddle

Here is an example of how you can append new elements to a page using AJAX and JavaScript in a JSFiddle:


<div id="container"></div>


  type: "GET",
  url: "data.json", // replace with your data source
  dataType: "json",
  success: function(data) {
    $.each(data, function(index, item) {
      var newElement = $("<div>").text( + " - " + item.description);

JSON data (data.json):

  {"name": "Element 1", "description": "This is element 1"},
  {"name": "Element 2", "description": "This is element 2"},
  {"name": "Element 3", "description": "This is element 3"}

In this example, we're using the jQuery ajax method to make a GET request to a JSON file (data.json). The success callback function is called when the request is successful, and it loops through the JSON data using $.each. For each item in the data, we create a new <div> element using jQuery's $() function, set its text content using the text() method, and then append it to the #container element using the append() method.

You can modify the JavaScript code to append elements to a specific container element, or to create a new element with a specific structure. You can also use other jQuery methods, such as append() or appendTo(), to append elements to the page.

Here is the complete JSFiddle:

Note: Replace your-javascript-code-here with the actual JavaScript code you want to use.