Appeal to force examples in news

Here are some examples of appeals to force in news articles:

  1. Threats of violence: "The government has warned that it will take 'firm action' against anyone who disrupts the upcoming elections, including 'arrests and imprisonment' for those who engage in violent behavior." (Source: BBC News)

Appeal to force: The government is threatening to use force to maintain order and ensure the elections take place peacefully.

  1. Military intervention: "The United States has deployed troops to the border with Mexico to 'protect American interests' and prevent a migrant caravan from entering the country." (Source: The New York Times)

Appeal to force: The US is using its military power to enforce its borders and protect its interests.

  1. Economic sanctions: "The European Union has imposed economic sanctions on Russia in response to its annexation of Crimea, including a ban on imports of Russian oil and gas." (Source: The Guardian)

Appeal to force: The EU is using economic pressure to try to change Russia's behavior and punish it for its actions.

  1. Police crackdown: "The police have launched a crackdown on protests in the city, using tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds and arrest hundreds of demonstrators." (Source: Al Jazeera)

Appeal to force: The police are using force to quell the protests and maintain order.

  1. Threats of retaliation: "The North Korean government has threatened to 'wipe out' the US military if it launches a preemptive strike against its nuclear facilities." (Source: CNN)

Appeal to force: North Korea is threatening to use force to defend itself against a potential attack from the US.

  1. Military build-up: "The US has announced plans to increase its military presence in the Middle East, deploying additional troops and aircraft to the region to counter the threat from Iran." (Source: The Washington Post)

Appeal to force: The US is building up its military presence in the region to deter Iran and protect its interests.

  1. Coercive diplomacy: "The Chinese government has used its economic leverage to pressure Taiwan into accepting its 'one-China' policy, threatening to cut off trade and investment if it does not comply." (Source: The Financial Times)

Appeal to force: China is using its economic power to try to change Taiwan's behavior and achieve its political goals.

  1. Intimidation: "The gang leader has been arrested and charged with intimidation, after he was accused of threatening to harm a rival gang member and his family." (Source: The Los Angeles Times)

Appeal to force: The gang leader is using intimidation to try to maintain his power and control over the gang.

  1. Coercive tactics: "The police have been accused of using coercive tactics to extract confessions from suspects, including beatings and sleep deprivation." (Source: The New York Times)

Appeal to force: The police are using coercive tactics to try to get suspects to confess to crimes.

  1. Threats of isolation: "The international community has threatened to isolate North Korea economically and diplomatically if it continues to develop its nuclear weapons program." (Source: The BBC)

Appeal to force: The international community is using the threat of isolation to try to change North Korea's behavior and prevent it from developing its nuclear program.