Appeal court ruling mixed feelings among apc staff over oshiomholes return

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Appeal Court Ruling Sparks Mixed Feelings Among APC Staff Over Oshiomhole's Return

The recent Appeal Court ruling that reinstated Adams Oshiomhole as the National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has sparked mixed feelings among staff of the party's national secretariat.

While some staff members are relieved that the party's leadership crisis has been resolved, others are concerned about the implications of Oshiomhole's return on the party's internal dynamics and the ongoing efforts to rebuild the party's image.

"I'm glad that the party's leadership crisis has been resolved, but I'm also worried about the impact of Oshiomhole's return on our work," said a staff member who preferred to remain anonymous. "He was a divisive figure during his first tenure, and I'm not sure if he's changed his ways. We'll have to wait and see how things play out."

Another staff member, who has been with the party for over a decade, expressed a more positive view. "I think Oshiomhole's return is a good thing for the party. He's a strong leader who can help us to rebuild and strengthen our organization. We just need to give him a chance to prove himself."

However, not all staff members are convinced that Oshiomhole's return is a positive development. "I'm not sure if Oshiomhole is the right person to lead the party at this time," said a young staff member who has been with the party for only a few years. "He was involved in a lot of controversy during his first tenure, and I'm not sure if he's learned from his mistakes. We need a leader who can bring people together and move the party forward, not someone who is going to create more divisions."

Despite the mixed feelings among staff members, the APC leadership has welcomed Oshiomhole's return and has called on all party members to work together to rebuild the party and prepare for the 2023 general elections.

In a statement, the APC National Secretary, Senator John James Akpanudoedehe, said: "We welcome the Appeal Court's ruling and are pleased that the party's leadership crisis has been resolved. We urge all party members to put aside their differences and work together to rebuild our party and prepare for the 2023 general elections. We are confident that with Oshiomhole at the helm, we will be able to achieve great things and continue to serve the Nigerian people."

Overall, the Appeal Court ruling has sparked a range of emotions among APC staff members, with some welcoming Oshiomhole's return and others expressing concerns about the implications of his return on the party's internal dynamics and the ongoing efforts to rebuild the party's image.